Mr Lex - what name do you go by?
I like to go by Photo-Rob. (Rob or Robert is cool too.)

Mr Lex - How long have you been a photographer?
Photo-Rob - I have been a photographer since 1983 when I bought my first camera and put it to use shooting family, friends and events while in the Marines.
In 2004 I took my love and passion for photography a step further and created Realistic Art Photography.

Mr Lex - What made you get started?
Photo-Rob - My interest in Art/Photography was present at a very young age. In Elementary School I use to draw characters and the room with all the furniture
I was sitting in at the time. Then in six grade my home room teacher was also a professional photographer. He started an after school and weekend
program teaching kids photography and how to capture the image and then develope it in the dark room. At that point I knew I liked photography.
But it wasn't until many years later in 1983 where I was able to buy my first camera to start capturing still life.

Mr Lex - What type of photos do you prefer to shoot?
Photo-Rob - I like the photographs that make a person smile when they look at the unfinished or just shot image. So that means I like doing
Portraits(family, models, editorial) and Event photography. I have not settled on doing any specific type of photography. I can shoot a night club party
on a Friday and then change modes and photograph a eight hour wedding on Saturday.

Mr Lex - what is the name of your company and where are you located?
Photo-Rob -The name of my company is Realistic Art Photography and we are located in Dumfries, Virginia. My studio is mobile so setup can be done at your
location or a mutual location.

Mr Lex - I meet you at the Blackmens mag event in Dc was there anything or anybody from that event that sticks out in your mind?
Photo-Rob -This was my second Blackmens Mag DC Swimsuit competition and I have to say that I had a great time capturing the moment.
I knew and or have worked with alot of the ladies in or at the event. This years event had alot of very sexy ladies all shapes and sizes.
I look forward to working with this years winner Shennekia and several of the other contestants on some of my up coming projects.

Mr Lex - What is the best way for people get in contact with you?
Photo-Rob -The best way to contact me would be by phone. But I must say that there are times where I might be doing a shoot or in a meeting when I can't
answer or have a phone on location. So leave a message and or send me a email.
email: realisticartphotography@gmail.com
ph#: 703-568-3494
and my sites have a way of sending me a message.
- www.realisticartphotography.photoreflect.com
- www.myspace.com/photomanrob

Mr Lex - is there anything you would like to say or promote?
Photo-Rob -I would like to thank you for this opportunity to talk with you and your readers. Realistic Art Photography is putting together several up coming events
and photo shoots in the coming months that will let everyone know who we are in the DMV. So for anyone interested in knowing more and or working with us.
Send a email telling me who you are and how you can help with a large photoshoot, and or a networking/charity event. (location, marketing, sponsorship, advertising,
promotion, training and so much more) And lastly what do you hope to gain by being apart of the event and when it is over?