1) What name do you go by?
Kaaydah Marie ....it means Golden in French...my saying is J'adore Diore...I adore Diore!
2)And yes i do! lol What are some of your goals?
Kaaydah Marie - My goals would be to take over this game and really make and impact...I want to be big!
3) Well your on the right path what are some of your accomplishments?
Kaaydah Marie - I've accomplished so much already. I'm new to modeling, but besides that I've done a lot in my lifetime. I used to hurdle for DePaul University. I was on a full scholarship there.
4) You hurdle ?? I have to see that but more importantly where can people see more of you?
Kaaydah Marie - I have a few projects coming up later this year...make sure you check my myspace for updates on what I'm doing! www.myspace.com/kaaydahmarie
5) Seeing more of you is always a good thing what is the sexiest part of your body and why?
Kaaydah Marie - I think my back! lol It's a place not many people notice but I can say I like my dimples on my lower back, that and maybe my stomach!
6) And I love those lips Angelina Jolie move ova! whats your current favorite song?
Kaaydah Marie - Business by Yung Berg feat.Casha.....the beautiful BRIA in the video, and Berg is from the CHI (where I currently live) so its a good look!
7)I hope we can see you in some more videos soon but what do you do in your past time for fun?
Kaaydah Marie - I love going to the pool! I have crazy tan lines right now from being out there but I love water!
8) Sounds like fun what is a normal working day in your life like?
Kaaydah Marie - Right now I don't have a regular job, so I'm really just concentrating on getting my face out there in this industry and finishing my school.
9) Good luck on that! believe me we are all wishing you success how old are you?
Kaaydah Marie - I'm 18.
10) What are some current projects your working on?
Kaaydah Marie - Make sure you cop Titanium Girlz Mag. I will be in an upcoming issue!
11) What is the best way to get in contact with you?
My e-mail address for contact and bookings is: www.JadoreDiore@ymail.com
Thank you Kaaydah Marie dont be a stranger once you Blow up!!!!!!!
Videos Featuring
Kaaydah Marie aka DIORE
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