My picks: Im rolling with the underdogs!!!! Bisbing vs Leben = Leben by KO ( I just don't like bisping) Keith Jardine vs. Brandon Vera = B vera by decision Rameau Sokoudjou Vs. Luiz Cane = Sokoudjou by KO
This is a hard one to pick I hate betting against bhop and the ghost has looked impressive
My keys 2 victory are:
Kelly pavlik - will need to use his reach and power and outwork bhop. Bernard is getting older and cannot keep up with a busy output for 12 rds i dont care what he thinks or says. But Kelly cant be stupid and just go looking for a ko just let it come because bhop will make you pay for your mistakes
Bernard Hopkins - will need to use his experience and every dirty trick in the book bhop is great at exploiting his opponents weaknesses and kelly has a lot